Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Not So Wordless Wednesday....

So I understand this is suppose to be Wordless Wednesday, but for the love, I can't help myself.

You see, I had this amazingly adorable picture of my kiddos passed out on the couch.  It was adorable, and I knew that it was my WW picture.  No doubt in my mind.

Until I was uploading pictures onto Shutterfly and Ariana was getting really pissed on the floor.  Picking her up, she sat contently on my lap at the computer.  For a moment.  Then, she decided she wanted to Tweet too.  And Tweet she did, that little bugger. :)

After her keyboard bashing, we may or may not have had to restart the computer to get the monitor to work correctly.  And I may or may not have to figure out how to fix the internet screen size.  Still wondering why I don't get a taskbar for my different windows at the bottom of the screen.

Whoops!  Bright side?  Daddy can't get mad at his little angel!!

Want more Wordless Wednesday?  Check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Extraordinary Mothers, MomSpective, & J. Leigh Designs.


Jana said...

That's too funny! I've been there with my lil one too!! What a cutie pie you have there!

The Grasshoppa:Triplets Plus Two Momma said...

What a baby dumplin!!!! She is so adorable.

Oh---and if you find your self completely alone again...and not sure what to do with your time...

give me a ring!! I will shoot over a list of fun things for ya!

Eat a meal in peace...
Sit in StarBucks...
and SLEEP...
eat another meal in peace...
(can you tell I am sleep deprived?)
Nice to meet ya!

Marice said...

awww so cute! heheh been there too! and right, how could you get mad with those little angels!

u may view mine here

Momstart said...

The obsession with computers and electronics starts at such a young age

KarieK said...

ROFLMAO!! Too stinking cute...look at her stinker face...so proud! Little puddin!