Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy Belated Monday Mingle!!!

Late, per usual.  Lol!  However, I did make it this week.  That accounts for something, right??  Lol, head on over to 80 MPH Mom for other fabulous minglers!  She is the queen of MM and hosts it every week for us!

Without further ado, here we goooo!! (And my editing sucks, sorry, Konnor was being a turd and Movie Maker didn't like my file format.  Le Sigh)

And it was Neve Campbell!! People used to say I looked like her..

And here is the horrendous pic of my face.. See that cheek?  Yeah... I had a fat bruise for a few days too. I'll post that pic some other time.  This is enough humiliation for one day :)


Fix-it-Woman said...

Awwww your video is set to private so it can't be seen!

*.::alex::.* said...

Thanks Kim, fixed :D

KarieK said...

Holly Marie Combs...I can see her playing you in a Lifetime movie. You are way patient...I would totally be like OK, pause, try to record, pause, LOL Crack me up!

You were getting irked...but so patient. You are awesome and I saw your wisdom poor girl! OY...

Fix-it-Woman said...

Woohoo you got it fixed. I felt so bad for you trying to do the Mingle while Connor was throwing things LOL

Neve Campbell would be a perfect person to play you. I can't believe you think a GPS is useless technology!

Great Mingle - see you next week!

Cluttered Brain said...

Awesome that U joined. Aren't Monday mingles so awesome?

Hope to see U next week?

i hope Connor finally settled down for ya....;) Kids...what can we do with them? LOVE them....;)

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Oh I'm so sorry about your widsom teeth - that is no fun. I'm sure you will feel better with them gone!

Neve Campbell definitely - LOL!

Thanks for mingling again!