Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Mingle - 2/1/2010

Welcome back to The JAKA File's Monday Mingle!  I took a little break, but
I. Am. Back!!!

As always, you can visit 80 MPH Mom for more super awesome Monday Mingle's and to post your own as well. (you know you wanna!!)

Also, here is my photo blog for Project 365, as promised.  A little slice of my life, every single day, for an entire YEAR!!


Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

I've only seen the first couple Harry Potter movies and I've only read the first book.

You know, losing my mom in a car accident was my biggest phobia all my life and even kind of is a huge fear now. (But I never mentioned that in my video.) I also worry so much about losing my kids or me dying before my kids.

About cameras, I love my flip for recording videos.

I really should do that 365 photo thing.

Talk soon
ps. My mingle is at

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Welcome back! Hopefully your camera behaves ;)

That's a good pick for the first question.

Losing family - Yeah I'm surprised I didn't say that for my answer, because that's a daily fear for me..That's when we just gave thanks for each day we have with them and pray for another tomorrow.

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Cluttered Brain said...

Welcome back!!
I am glad your camera finally behaved. YEAH.

Harry Potter movies rock!
The books are better though but still. AWESOME!

Small spaces huh? I don't think i would like to get trapped in an elevator either.

If you get your camera working again totally check out Susan and me on!
It is another AWESOME site for vloggers!

Any-hoo talk at you later!

Hope to see you next week!

KarieK said...

Yay so good to see your pretty face Alex. I could see you in Harry Potter for sure. I think that is a huge fear of any parent is to outlive their children. OY I def need to check out your memory is going in the crapper too~

Mandy said...

This is my first mingle, so I'm stopping by to say hello!
I've seen someone else doing a project 365 - very cool. I don't think I have the discipline to do it, but I wish I did!
I am so fearful of losing my kids as well - can't even think about it.
I added a dog into our crazy mix recently, and so regret that decision! Stick to your guns!
See you next week!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Hello - it's good to have you back!

I know what you mean about losing family...that is always a huge fear of mine. I am petrified of losing my husband or kids...

I love the 365 idea - I should do something like that. My memory kid of sucks too : )

Thanks for mingling again - I hope you'll be back next week!

daddybookins said...

Have to admit I have never seen a Harry Potter movie or read any of the books...what is wrong with me?

Losing family would be a big one for me, of course I wasn't even thinking that route when I did mine....silly spiders in comparison....

Great Mingling! Cheers!

Peas Out!
~daddy b.