Thursday, October 29, 2009

Staying Safe During Halloween...

I have children.  Two of them, actually.  Konnor is definitely old enough to understand dressing up and going Trick-O-Treating.  Ariana, not so much. 

I remember going out when I was younger.  We'd go around my neighborhood, my grandma's neighborhood and even my aunt's neighborhood.  My mom or dad would always go with us except at my aunt's.  There were always older kids to go with us, and there were no worries.  We used to live in a safe, quiet city.

Not so much anymore.  Today, I would NEVER let my kids out without me, regardless if they were 2 or 15, with or without an older kid.  I just wouldn't do it.  Things in Portland are way too scary, way too out of hand to even think about it.  Crimes occur too close to my mom's house (the same house i grew up in) and i'm not sure I even want to take Konnor out this year.

Last year, for instance, we took him and my youngest brother (who is 8) Trick-or-Treating and we didn't even get around the corner before this crazy guy came speeding around the corner.  There were plenty of angry parents screaming at the guy to slow down.  He did, only to roll down his window, yell something, and peel out in front of dozens of kids and parents.  My mom was so outraged, she called the police!

Really though, crazy drivers aren't all you have to worry about.  Taunted candy has ALWAYS been a fear, even when I was a kid.  Sad as it may seem, there are people who want to HARM our little ghosts, goblins, and princesses.  Or drug addicts who break into cars while we sleep.  Who is to say they wouldn't steal candy bags or even parts of costumes??

I have learned a few things since I became a mommy.  Some of which involve Halloween, which happens to be MY favorite holiday.

  1. Buy the kiddos, and yourself, a flashlight.  Konnor has a blue pumpkin flashlight that i bought from Wal-Mart for $1.00.  Seriously, I am struggling when it comes to financial obligations, but that $1 could save his life.
  2. Always always ALWAYS check the candy before letting your kids eat it.  Candy wrappers should be air tight (and there usually is an air pocket).  Check for tampering.  If it even looks suspicious, throw it out!  Also, unless you know and trust the giver of the treat, home-made treats should go straight to the trash.
  3. Keep your children on the inside of the street, so you are closest to cars.  Lots of people drink on Halloween, and some do get behind the wheel.  This year Halloween falls on a weekend night, so I'm sure the partiers will be in full force.  Scary stuff~!
  4. I found a site, thanks to a radio station i listen to, where you can find safe neighborhoods to go Trick-or-Treating.  This will list how close (or far) sex offenders, or other registered offenders may be to your path. .  This doesn't list everyone, but it does list those who are registered w/ the city, county, or state.
  5. HAVE FUN!!!
For more tips, visit , , or google "Halloween Safety Tips."

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween this weekend!  I know i can't wait to take my little Optimus Prime and Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) out and about!  Okay, maybe just Optimus.  I think Belle will be staying indoors.